Responsible Consumption and Production

March 2023

Kudos to our SDG Ambassador of the month- Ms. Jyotsna


Initiatives Taken

  • Vitamin- C Festival
  • My Healthy Tiffin
  • Food- Footprint
  • Ecological-footprints
  • Trash to Fresh
  • Enterprising ventures
  • Sustainable development through responsible Production initiatives at school


Initiative 1- LIMETTA- FEST (Vitamin- C Festival)

The activity involved Grade I students celebrating LIMETTA- FEST Vitamin- C Festival. Students celebrated the month of February /March as the LIMETTA- FEST. In this activity, students enjoyed making and drinking fresh Orange, kinnow/Limetta (MOUSAMI) juice with their families and discarded packed chemical juices. This activity helped the little ones to enjoy the taste of fresh fruit juices and become responsible consumers.

Initiative 2- My Healthy Tiffin

Students of classes II and III celebrated the month as Healthy Tiffin Month. Students watched a small video in the class and were sensitized students about the benefits of nutritional food and the proportions of nutrients in a healthy plate. Students brought home-cooked healthy tiffin every day and enjoyed the food with the whole class and their class teacher. This activity helped the students to develop healthy food habits and discard Junk food from their regular meals in Lunch Box. This practice has developed the habit of eating home-cooked healthy food among students and helped them become more responsible consumers.

Initiative 3- Food- Footprint

Students were shown a video on Food Footprint as were sensitized that food wastage is the biggest issue in the world economy and that few people can’t have a single meal in a day and die due to starvation. Students took pledge with their parents that they will not waste food. Students started the campaign to take only that much food on their plate and they must eat at least one meal together with their family and record their food footprint.

Initiative 4- Ecological-footprints

To sensitize students about the judicious use of our resources, a video on the topic “Saving Energy Around the home” was shown in classes. Students prepared colourful leaflets. They also suggested the various ways through which they saved water and energy in school and at home. Students recorded their ecological footprints through their photographs and videos during the month. They also created awareness among friends and family through these leaflets that small steps taken in daily life make you a responsible consumer and conscious user of resources. Students learned how resources should be conserved and saved for future generations as a responsibility toward them.

Initiative 5 – Trash to Fresh

“When we heal the earth we heal ourselves.” – David Orr Students of class IX created very beautiful creative and socially useful products from waste plastic bottles, paper plates, discarded glasses, and other materials. Students made vacuum cleaners, telescopes, water alarms, etc. Students performed this activity based on the 5 concepts of zero waste viz. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot. Students enjoyed this creative endeavour and realized the importance of being responsible consumer and producer.

Initiative 6 – Enterprising Ventures

Students of class XI and XII started the business venture of converting flower trash into herbal soap and Incense cups under the initiative school enterprise challenge. They acted as the responsible producer and were concerned about the sustainable development goal in their mind during the stage of product planning and development. Students decided to convert the flower powder collected from the temples and florists in the vicinity of the school. This initiative not only developed various life skills and entrepreneurial skills but also helped the students to achieve the sustainable development of Responsible consumption and production. This initiative of the school was recognised and awarded the top global prize (business implementation) at International level.

Sustainable development through responsible Production initiatives at school

• School is striving towards the goal of zero paper waste and also running an initiative of recycling paper waste by making handmade paper sheets, which are further used in various areas of art and craft activities of students.

• School has solar energy plant with a moto of creating green energy for sustainable development